Strange Stars
Trey of Sorcerer's Skull has put out another book, though not the long
awaited follow-up to his pulp/fantasy 1920's Americana setting book Weird
Adventures. While Trey's most recent book is system agnostic, even more
so than Weird Adventures, it is a sci-fi setting book, much larger in scope
then Weird Adventures that offers a combination of pulp Buck Roger's style
Space Opera and more contemporary post human sci-fi - something a bit like
Glenn Cook's "Dragon Never Sleeps" or the Culture novels of Iain M.
Banks. There appear to be plans to release some likely free rules for Strange
Stars using both FATE (written by
Till of FateSf) and Stars Without Numbers, which is my personal favorite
OSR sci-fi ruleset (it's a B/X mod, and very excellent).
Alternate, unused Strange Stars covers |
As a product Strange Stars maintains a very high quality, with a great deal
of excellent art (so much that it sometimes overwhelms the writing), good
design and a very polished appearance uncommon in small press or solo
publications. The content within provides a sweeping view of a game universe
that is a standard enough science fiction setting, with some interesting tweaks
and changes. Nothing as bold as Weird Adventures, but then the fictional
ground of galaxy sprawling space opera is a lot more well-trodden then that of
20's fantasy pulp (which I think is limited to the Silver John stories by
Wade-Wellman). With this Constraint does a good job and is a fun read,
though I wish it was a little less overarching and a little more narrowly
focused on adventuring within the Strange Stars. At the heart Strange
Stars is a gazetteer, though not in a detail oriented manner that lists trade
goods and populations. The book lays out outlines for cultures scattered
about in a mostly post-human space, provides a sense of history where the
possibilities for adventure includes both ancient wreck hunting and space mafia