
Friday, August 17, 2012

The Red Demon - Keyed!

A few weeks ago I posted the Red Demon in the Swamp - a map of a moribund ancient siege engine decaying in the swamp.  I posted a monster for it as well later in the week.  Now in it's full glory is the keyed location!  Nine Rooms, two strange and deadly monsters that will tax your players sense of the absurd. Fantastic treasures of both the mundane and the magical variety.  Two tables for random hijinx - one good, one decidedly unpleasant!

Follow this link for a full PDF of for a 3rd to 4th level science fantasy bit of strangeness.

Once again - here's the map, download the PDF, ignoring the typographical errors, to find out what those cryptic names mean.

Note: Fixed map quality issue (will Download as PDF without blurring) and added stats I forgot for a monster.


  1. Cool. I like what I see. Downloaded and now looking for a way to integrate into my games :)

  2. Thank you for sharing this. I love the map and illustration.

    1. Simon Forster & Jonas, thanks for the encouragement! If either of you run it, let me know, write a play report/review (I will be most thankful) - I haven't playtested it (yet?) and would be curious how the balance of 2 big nasty monsters (one less so) work out and if 10HD is just too brutal for 3rd level characters.

  3. it might take a while for the PC's to get to 3rd level, we crawl really slowly. Though my group might be up for one shot with lvl 3 and 4 characters, I have to ask them. I don't think 10HD is necessarily too much.

    1. I thought your players would be up in levels. My problem isn't the levels it's getting them into the swamp. They're enjoying the heck out of war on the plains - even now that thier Donald Sutherland like Steel Leviathan buddy died to the horns of a pair of cutholoid triceratops.

    2. There is regular breaks from dungeon crawling to sightseeing and carousing in Denethix, gearing up and haggling with merchants, visiting cults and their ceremonies and that sort of odd stuff that all gets roleplayed. Rewards of that are not xp for characters but rather experience for players.

      Then there is other campaigns and scheluding of the games so I'll make some pre-generated characters and run it as one shot when I have a chanse.

  4. Awesome! Thanks for sharing this. I'm looking forward to the Obelisk of Forgotten Memory pdf!

  5. Replies
    1. Good stuff! Will let you know if I use it...

  6. The download link is locked behind a permission. Any chance to make it available again?
