There is a debate to be had regarding the use of
skills, including all the classic “Thieves’ Skills” because it’s often opined that rolling
dice to solve a problem rather than allowing the players to use their
creativity to figure out the puzzle involved diminishes one of the best aspects
of tabletop gaming. However, I think
these skill are mostly limited to areas where some mechanical component is
necessary. There should be some
mechanical component to certain activities that can’t be part of player skill,
but are obvious elements of character knowledge. Specifically things that
specialists (or other subclasses) know that cannot be readily known by players
and which have a mechanical import. The
most clear example of this sort of skill is something like “Arcana” or “Tinker” as no game I’ve been in has available
locks to pick or secret languages to focus hermeneutic knowledge on. Moreover, focusing on these tasks for too
long detracts from the play of other players who aren’t figuring out the lock
puzzle or deciphering the secret inscription.
On the other end is something like the “Search”
which really should be easy to model with player knowledge (I pull on the
candle holder, I dig through the refuse pile etc.) but demands a great deal of
knowledge by the GM regarding things like secret door mechanisms and what sort
of dungeon dressing is scattered about (both to conceal valuables and to provide
pointless things to search).
A GM can’t
always have these things, but a good module should make efforts at description
with this in mind. Rather than saying “secret door in North wall” something like “twisting a torch holder
(one of several) on the North wall clockwise will cause a latch to snap open
and reveal the secret door on the North Wall”. Yet this isn’t always possible, and sometimes describing
the wide variety of cruff on the floor of a goblin lair that the party can dig
through is not a good use of game time.
In these cases a skill is helpful.
Skills also have an advantage of being clear about time and risk, with
each skill roll taking one turn (10 minutes roughly but who knows in a game
using an overloaded encounter die - as opposed to the Gygaxian strict
timekeeping), a roll on a random encounter/exploration die – and a clear risk reward
calculation for the players.
It is for this reason, the encounter roll, that unless there are compelling
circumstances I don’t
bother with catastrophic failures for character failure with skills. It’s
usually just wasted time, though in some circumstances (trying to stealth past
alert guards, trying to run up a wall Kung Fu movie style in combat, trying to
disarm a ticking bomb or doing emergency surgery on a dying comrade) there are
obvious consequences.
The ultimate point is that I like these skills and find
they add aspects to the game, specifically a deeper, faction based exploration
game, especially in that they both encourage players to use their skills – a character with a
survival skill will try to identify local flora, because they can – and allow the creation of
a wider variety of character types.
Specialists need not simply be magsmen, sneak thieves or an assassin, but
can be tinkers, scholars, charlatans and doctors. While the descriptions below are written with
my own Apollyon Setting in mind I think they can be generally applicable to
most exploration based settings.
and mechanisms play a huge roll in the Apollyon, and this skill serves as a
replacement for architecture as well as the skill required to operate heavy
weapons like Gatling guns and artillery.
In a more traditional fantasy environment the skill becomes somewhat
less useful, but could skill be used for siege engines and other mechanical
projects (excavation of the Tomb of Horrors for example).
Machines, gears, hydraulics, pumps, steam and cogs are
a lot like magic to most people, somehow with knowledge of these strange
apparatuses normal men can do the work of magicians both in war a peace. The art of engineering fascinates many as it
seems a path to power, but really it’s the same sort of knowledge that
builders, mill keepers, alchemists and siege masters have always had, an
understanding of tools, basic forces and the mechanics of the natural
world. A successful Engineering test can
provide information about the purpose of almost any machine and mechanism, as
the same principles apply to even the most fantastical ancient or ruined
devices. A skilled engineer will also
have an advantage (+1 per skill level) to any roll required to use strange
mechanical or technological artifacts and machines. This bonus does not only apply to artifacts
from more advanced cultures, but to the simple machines common in an Engineer’s
own society. From laying explosives, to
operating cannon and catapults engineers are more skilled then normal soldiers
or artisans. A successful Engineering
roll will reduce the time and cost of any siege project by 50%. Likewise the
Engineer’s bonus to use devices applies to siege weapons, giving an engineer a
bonus equal to skill level in any hit or damage rolls required for use.
All worlds have their wilderness, and all have those
who learn to survive and thrive in this wilderness. Survival is not just knowledge of what specific
plants are edible, or the habits of a few animals, which is the common
knowledge of most that live from farming, hunting or fishing. Survival is an ethos and way of understanding
that allows its practitioners to live and thrive in almost any environment with
the knowledge of how to determine which unknown plants and animals are
dangerous, which are food and how to best track and snare from whatever
materials are available. Survival
provides several bonuses, most obviously allowing some understanding of natural
creatures observed for a few moments.
With a survival check a character may be able to spot the claw marks of
the owlbear marking its territory, or recognize a poisonous fungus compared to
a benign one. Examining the corpses of
dead monsters, one skilled in survival will see more than a carcass, and be
better able to spot and extract valuable components, such as fur, teeth and
horns, without damaging them. Survival
also covers tracking and other field craft, such as spotting ambushes in
natural environments, setting and detecting snares and pits in the wilderness,
finding the best spot to ford dangerous streams and finding or making shelter
from inclement weather.
In a game that uses exhaustion (such as my own use of
an exhaustion result (‘6’) on the random encounter die) a successful survival
check will allow a character to push on without rest or food.
Piloting or Sailing
Not all machines are stationary, and those that move
require a different set of skills to direct and control than those that
don’t. A pilot can get the most out of
any means of transport, from a simple raft to an ancient steam engine or suit
of ancient powered armor. Piloting skill is most useful when operating
boilermail or other powered armor, as it adds directly to the suit’s
reliability, but the skill has a wide application elsewhere. Most commonly a pilot may control and
navigate a sailing vessel of any size (assuming there is sufficient crew) and
use the piloting check to avoid the dangers of weather and rough seas as well
as to arrive at a specific destination. A
successful piloting check may be used to avoid any difficulty or safely
navigate a danger (such as sailing a raft through rapids, or stopping a
speeding mine cart) this check should be made in addition to any intrinsic
mechanic related to the vessel or machine.
In a more traditional fantasy setting this skill might include riding,
and in such a case one would make a skill check to leap obstacles, calm
panicked mounts and perhaps even add the skill bonus to hit and damage while
An understanding of value and business, this skill
includes both the knowledge of business practices and procedures: trade routes,
contracts, commercial paper and deeds as well as the ability to evaluate and
appraise items for value. With a
successful skill check the nature, history and value of non-magical treasure
and artifacts can quickly be determined and fakes revealed. Likewise, a successful use of this ability
will allow the character to understand the terms of complex documents,
bureaucratic processes and the etiquette of commercial society.
On a mechanical level, besides the ability to appraise
objects for value, this skill allows the character to move in higher levels of
society and to impress the wealthy with their knowledge and class. Any Charisma check or reaction roll resulting
from negotiations dependent on trust, trade or protocol gain a +1 from a
successful Acumen check. Unlike the skill Legerdemain, this is real knowledge,
the sort useful for setting up a legitimate business deal or hiring
mercenaries, rather than getting investors for a shady scheme or seducing a
The Alchemist and the Assassin both depend on their
knowledge of chemicals, solvents, acids, poisons and potions to practice their trade
and the Chemics skill represents this.
It may be used to identify poisons, drugs, potions, medicines and other
substances as well as to manufacture such items. A chemic check is required in almost all
aspects of poison-craft as well to assure the users safety and to successfully
use poisons. Chemics allows the
collection and proper storage of poisons and other dangerous substances (such
as slimes and molds), and without this skill even safely obtained monster
poison tends to become inert quickly.
Additionally a chemic check is required to properly apply poison to
weapons. Chemics is also a useful skill
in medicine as successful uses of the skill will sometimes (it may be less
effective against stronger monster poison) allow the Chemist to create
compounds that slow or even cure disease, poison and similar toxic effects.
Scholarship is a skill that represents a character’s
general and specific knowledge of history, dead languages and other esoteric
fields of study useful in exploration of forgotten ruins. With a successful check, a scholar can decipher
the meaning of an ancient inscription or even understand ancient technology
well enough to explain its purpose and perhaps means of operation. This skill can be used to gain information
about the likely source and purpose of treasure, magical items, constructions
or dungeon dressing.
In a game with ancient technology or non-magical items
with fantastical effects, Scholarship may be used in lieu of an identify spell
as a downtime action to determine the operation, powers and origin of such
technological artifacts. Some such
artifacts may also provide damage or other bonus for each point of scholarship
The skills of the grafter, the actor, entertainer, spy
and courtier. Flattery, disguise,
oratory and slight of hand to pass a bribe, lift a pocket watch or dispose of
the incriminating evidence as the secret police kick down the door. Legerdemain consists of all the ‘soft’ skills
of deception and its successful use will give a character a +1 to any reaction
roll resulting from parlay, or a charisma check based on deception. Additionally
this skill includes the disguise and impersonation so that with a successful
check, sufficient materials, and knowledge of the habits or classes of the
disguise’s subject the skill user can trick others into believing them to be
someone else.
As mentioned above this skill also includes the sort of
sleight of hand associated with the classic thief skill “pick pockets”. This has always been an underutilized skill,
but a large part of that may be the descriptive name, Legerdemain can be used
for anything requiring nimble fingers and deception, from card tricks to
swapping documents during a negotiation.
Animal Handling
Beyond the basic care and feeding of animals, there is
a great deal of skill in properly motivating training and maintaining control
of both war and pack beasts. While it
causes little difficulty to handle a single attack dog in combat, a pack of
such dogs or more monstrous creatures demand special skill to control. Animal Handlers may control up to ½ their own
level +1 HD of war beast (more if they are specialists who have elected to take
the Animal Handler kit/aptitude). An animal
handling skill check is required to retain or regain control of a frightened
beast, and also to compel animals to act against their natural impulses (such
as encouraging most hounds to attack the undead or other otherworldly
Animal Handlers also know how to properly care for
their pets, and their animals will have +1 HP for every point of Animal
Handling skill.
A rare skill, limited to those who have actual rigorous
training in the magical arts: church inquisitors, well taught wizards and a few
esoteric scholars. Arcana is a powerful
skill however, similar to scholarship, but much more focused on specific kinds
of magical knowledge.
With a successful application of the Arcana skill a practitioner may emulate the effect of the 1st level Magic-User Spells “Read Magic” and “Identify” as well as generally gaining knowledge about magical effects or objects. For example on a successful Arcana Skill check the character could determine that the effect of a polymorph spell was temporary, or investigate a destroyed skeleton to discover it had been animated recently by arcane ritual.
Using this spell to read magical writings means that it can be used by non-casters to cast magic-user spells from scrolls. This use of the spell has a downside however as failure will result in the destruction of the scroll (while failure to read a magical inscription or conduct an investigation just wastes time). Likewise the Identify function of the Arcana skill represents a long study of a magical object and requires an entire between session, town phase or downtime action to perform, with failure meaning that the item remains unidentified, but another attempt may be made after the next session of play.
With a successful application of the Arcana skill a practitioner may emulate the effect of the 1st level Magic-User Spells “Read Magic” and “Identify” as well as generally gaining knowledge about magical effects or objects. For example on a successful Arcana Skill check the character could determine that the effect of a polymorph spell was temporary, or investigate a destroyed skeleton to discover it had been animated recently by arcane ritual.
Using this spell to read magical writings means that it can be used by non-casters to cast magic-user spells from scrolls. This use of the spell has a downside however as failure will result in the destruction of the scroll (while failure to read a magical inscription or conduct an investigation just wastes time). Likewise the Identify function of the Arcana skill represents a long study of a magical object and requires an entire between session, town phase or downtime action to perform, with failure meaning that the item remains unidentified, but another attempt may be made after the next session of play.
Stealth is the skill associated with assassins and
thieves, but useful to any character who wishes to avoid being spotted. Hiding in shadows, moving silently through
piles of dry leaves, and slipping past guards are all part of the stealth
skill. Failure of the skill doesn’t
automatically mean that the character gives away their presence (if previously
hidden), and certainly if given ample time and in an environment with
concealment options, the skill is unnecessary to hide. However, where true
skill (sneaking past an alert beast, hiding in the shadows of a pillar, moving
across a creaking wooden floor to loot a sleeping merchant’s nightstand or
slipping behind a guard to assassinate him) is required this skill should be
One of the more popular uses of the Stealth skill is to try to set up a target for a backstab in melee combat. I am torn about this, and generally prefer separate backstab rules (targets may engage in melee combat with enemies up to their attack bonus e.g. one per HD for monsters before any additional opponent overwhelms their defenses and automatically makes backstab attacks) for ganging up on enemies, but believe successful round using stealth at the beginning of a combat should allow the specialist to make a backstab attack when they reveal themselves if their target is engaged in melee combat with another.
One of the more popular uses of the Stealth skill is to try to set up a target for a backstab in melee combat. I am torn about this, and generally prefer separate backstab rules (targets may engage in melee combat with enemies up to their attack bonus e.g. one per HD for monsters before any additional opponent overwhelms their defenses and automatically makes backstab attacks) for ganging up on enemies, but believe successful round using stealth at the beginning of a combat should allow the specialist to make a backstab attack when they reveal themselves if their target is engaged in melee combat with another.
The skill of fixing, understanding and manipulating
small devices and tools. Most often it
is used by scavengers to disarm small mechanical traps or their triggers, but
is also valuable for picking locks and to repair jammed firearms or other
broken weapons. It’s a fairly similar
skill to Engineering, and in a less technologically advanced setting I might
roll the Engineering and Tinker together into a single skill.
When using this skill I generally err on the side of the players, especially involving traps, a failed skill check results in delay (and another random encounter check), rather then triggering a trap or permanently jamming a lock. After all, most locked doors in an exploration game are meant to be a minor obstacle rather then something the party has only a small chance of overcoming. And most small traps, susceptible to the tinker skill (I wouldn’t use it for large or magical traps like falling ceilings or explosive runes, depending on player ideas to bypass these sorts of traps) are nuisances designed to make the player chose if they are more afraid of random monsters or springing traps.
When using this skill I generally err on the side of the players, especially involving traps, a failed skill check results in delay (and another random encounter check), rather then triggering a trap or permanently jamming a lock. After all, most locked doors in an exploration game are meant to be a minor obstacle rather then something the party has only a small chance of overcoming. And most small traps, susceptible to the tinker skill (I wouldn’t use it for large or magical traps like falling ceilings or explosive runes, depending on player ideas to bypass these sorts of traps) are nuisances designed to make the player chose if they are more afraid of random monsters or springing traps.
Any character can climb a rope, or rough stone wall with time
and effort, but the acrobat can do it quickly, silently and with a fair bit of
style. This skill not only replaces the
traditional “Climb” skill, but allows the acrobat to engage in other athletic feats,
such as leaping over chasms or across rooftops.
Acrobatics might also function as a combat skill,
allowing the acrobat to disengage from melee, rush past enemies or make flying
attacks from the rear rank, though this sort of use would have to be
situational and would depend largely on GM rulings.
Force is a simple skill of properly applying strength
to break things in an efficient manner.
It is a universal skill, most commonly used by scavengers to smash open
locked or stuck doors. Tools (crowbars,
hammers, or wrenches) give a+1 to skill bonus in appropriate situations. Failure indicates a noisy and failed opening attempt
requiring an encounter check or breakage.
This skill is generally applicable to other tests of strength that are
beyond a normal ability check such as bending metal bars, shifting sarcophagus
lids and holding gates shut against a
battering ram. Because of the extreme
nature of the feats associated with the Force skill, it is rarely available to
characters in my games, instead limited to the 1 in 6 chance associated with
opening doors in the early editions of D&D.
However, this doesn’t preclude the possibility of some specialized ‘strongman’
type of character with greater skill.
Search or Awareness
While passive Listening is modeled in my game with a
Wisdom check or as the result of a random encounter roll, active searching and
listening at doors is a general skill, which like “Force” is available to all.
Certain varieties of specialists (thieves, rangers and explorers) may also
increase their ability with this skill.
Search is used to search through a general area for either items of
interest or secret doors, specifically examine objects or small areas for a
trap of some kind, eavesdrop on other’s conversations from a safe distance or
listen at doors for evidence of what’s beyond. It encompasses the traditional listen, find
traps and search checks, making it a generally valuable skill.
An alternative way of using this skill (perhaps retitled as Awareness) would be as a form of save. Assuming some traps or ambushes (giant falling stone blocks, carefully set ambushes with crew served weapons, large explosives, magical vortexs) are completely unsurvivable, a character might roll a reactive search roll to suddenly sense the danger and drop to the ground, leap back or otherwise narrowly avoid destruction. This provides most PC’s with a 1 in 6 chance of avoiding these deadly traps, but gives specialists an advantage that really encourages their players to act as scouts.
An alternative way of using this skill (perhaps retitled as Awareness) would be as a form of save. Assuming some traps or ambushes (giant falling stone blocks, carefully set ambushes with crew served weapons, large explosives, magical vortexs) are completely unsurvivable, a character might roll a reactive search roll to suddenly sense the danger and drop to the ground, leap back or otherwise narrowly avoid destruction. This provides most PC’s with a 1 in 6 chance of avoiding these deadly traps, but gives specialists an advantage that really encourages their players to act as scouts.
I'm liking awareness. It's already sorta there in the core rules (i.e. traps) but would the name serve to lead folks to believe it would impact the chance of being surprised?
ReplyDeleteI don't know, I don't play with an awareness rule in my game, it's just an idea I'm floating. Names are changeable, and house rules are fine. If someone likes the ideas of thieves or whomever getting a chance to avoid surprise with a skill check, why not? I mean I might make a "Scout" subclass ability immunity from surprise, and with individual initiative that works just fine.