In the niche in the Northwestern
portion of the Cellar is one of the Brewery's true treasures, rack of
several cases worth of aged Brandy was hidden here 21 years ago on a
welded iron racks. Some of the brandy has gone bad, and some is
absolutely divine. Most of it is in distinctive squat glass bottles
with raised lettering that read “Weedstone – Very Special
Longtime Old Pale”. Green wax seals each bottle and is marked with
the symbol year it was put away in. The brandy by year is as follows
(roll 2D20 to determine which bottle is pulled). Yes, it's worth
2,164 GP but what PCs will know how to sell fine brandy, even if they
don't drink it all (which might net them ½ XP)? Also on this rack
is a stainless steel scroll case containing a wax and ribbon covered
trust deed signed by old man Weedstone himself. It grants title to
the Weedstone brewery: land, building, trademark and good-will. The
assignment is blank, and anyone who pays a good lawyer or bribes a
corrupt official (approximately $1,000GP) can write their name(s) in
and get the whole lot free and clear (though if the Game Master is
cranky I suppose it could come various debts and encumbrances).
#of Bottle | Year | Tasting Notes and Value |
2 - 14 | “the crow” | 21 year old brandy – 7 of the bottles are bad, 6 are worth 4 GP each. |
14 - 26 | “the madman” | 24 year old bandy – 10 of the bottles taste of rot, 2 are amazing, 15 GP each. |
26 - 30 | “the sun” | 26 year old - 1 bottle is funky, 3 are robust and mysterious 30 GP each. |
31 - 33 | “the robot” | 30 year – 3 bottles, blood colored and subtly sublime 100 GP each. |
34 - 38 | “the dog” | 37 – 5 blown glass flasks, bland, old enough to be collectable 150 GP each. |
39 - 40 | “the bloody” | 45 year old brandy – in ancient steel flasks, 2 flasks worth 500 GP each. |
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