In a recent discussion regarding the acquisition of magic in Wampus County the idea that on the frontier normal magical research isn't appropriate, and that perhaps magic (in the form of new spells) can be taken directly from the land and its spirits was discussed. This, combined with a stodgy and restrictive magical establishment, makes the frontier a beacon for wizards, a sort of magical gold rush.
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Weird psychedelic painting - seemed appropriate |
Results of Appropriating wild Magic from the Land
Minor Affectation: Wizard
develops minor affectation, it’s voluntary but if broken will result in the
loss of 1 Level worth of XP. Examples
include: only wearing a certain color of clothing, gold plated teeth or
always speaking in the third person.
Minor Prohibition: The
spirits have placed a prohibition on the Wizard in exchange for power, though
it’s not major. Examples include: Never using firearms, never touching a cat,
only drinking alcoholic beverages (or abstaining from them). Failure to abide by this prohibition will
result in the inability of the caster to ever again cast the spell learned in
exchange for the prohibition (including variants of it or versions found in spell
Minor Affliction/Mutation: Something little – small horns, blood
replaced with mercury, nails turn to pearl, or cilia grow from neck. Examples of affliction include drug
addiction or a stutter.
Elemental Mark: The
spirits feel like marking the wizard as having learned from them. A relatively minor physical change (glowing
coal like brand, steaming eyes, ice always in hair, mossy sigil) the effect
is mostly cosmetic, but does create a slight weakness to opposing elemental
forces (+1 damage per die when struck
by attack of opposite element)
Sense Distortion: Whispers
in the Wizards mind just out of hearing, waking dreams, understanding the
constant babbling of the clouds. The effect is distraction and difficulty
hearing sounds. Wizard surprised on a
1-3, and gets -1 initiative if alone.
Minor Obsession: Wizard
develops an obsession with something related to the spell. This is usually something unpleasant or
debasing that the spirits find humorous: eating dirt, nudity, always counting
to 4 before speaking.
Geas: The wizard owes the spirits something
and best do it for them. Might be
something as simple as drawing water from a certain stream or eating a
certain food, might be complicated, like hunting down an ancient lich.
Lost: Wizard is lost
wither physically or mentally for 1D4 Sessions of play. Wizards should always have an apprentice or
Unwanted Familiar. The
spirits of the land have granted the wizard a totally useless familiar to
look after. The creature is of normal
animal intelligence and petulant.
Something like an earwig or dipsomaniac hamster. It chases off any existing familiar and if
harmed the wizard will also take full damage from the attack. If killed the shock of its death causes 2D4
x Level of the spell gained damage to the wizard.
Blood Debt. The
earth/spirits develop a taste for the wizard’s blood and let him know
it. In addition to the paranoia wizard
must shed 1HP worth of his own blood anytime he wishes to memorize spells.
Unhinged: Wizard is unhinged and unconnected from normal magical methods. Wizard must make a save vs. spells to
memorize spells each day. On a failed
roll the wizard still memorizes spells but they are randomly determined or picked
by the GM.
Major Affectation: A voluntary, but serious affectation with
social and in game consequences - such as always wearing a mask, walking
backwards, or constant nudity. If
breached or intolerable the wizard will lose 1 Level worth of XP.
Major Prohibition: Caster must abstain from something that
will seriously affect her life and magical practice. Examples include: Never
harming an animal, never putting out/starting a fire, never touching running
water, never wearing or using metal. Failure
to abide by this prohibition will result in the inability to cast the spell
granted for undertaking the prohibition and any related spells from a similar
magical portfolio (such as charms, candy magic, fire magic or divinations).
Major Affliction/Mutation: Something
obvious and different. A crooked back
resulting in an ape like gate, Arm replaced with a tentacle, skin turned to
bark or metal, incurable rotting disease leading to the appearance of
lichdom. These afflictions can have
serious effects on statistics and abilities, the details of which are within the
GM’s discretion. Another example of a
major affliction would be the deadly weakness to a specific item, material or
Body Price. In keeping with ancient tradition the
spirits have demanded a piece of the Wizard’s flesh in exchange for spell
knowledge. Nothing too big, but
something the caster will miss. Frequently the spirits replace these losses
with something whimsical. Role 1D6: 1.Eye (-2 Missile to Hit – blindness if
both taken) 2. Left Hand. 3.Foot (Movement rate reduced by 10’) 4.Knee (Movement
rate reduced by 10’) 5. Hair, all of it including body hair 6. Internal Organ
(wizard is not sure which one – everything seems to work fine, but there’s a
nagging feeling of loss.
Elemental Deformity: The Body of the wizard is warped by the
power of the elements. Such changes
are immediately obvious; the transformation into a being of living water is a
possible example. The results may have
serious effects on statistics and abilities, the details of which are within the
GM’s discretion. In every case a serious weakness to the opposite elemental
school of magic will occur.
Withered. The spirits
demand life force for knowledge – wizard permanently loses 1D4+2 HP and
develops a cadaverous appearance.
Major Obsession. Wizard
develops a dangerous or antisocial obsession such as pyromania, suicidal
bravery or vampirism.
Crippling Fear. Wizard suffers from crippling fear of just about
everything as either a result of trauma, possession or foreknowledge of his
own destruction. If attacked or placed
in a stressful situation wizard must save vs. paralysis to act. A new save is required every round.
Transformation. Wizard is transformed completely into
something else. If the wizard is lucky
or the boon granted small this may be the transformation into another humanoid
race. If major it could be the
transformation into an animal, inanimate object or spirit. At high levels this may completely remove
the character from effective play as “the all-knowing toadstool” may have
difficulty speaking or travelling for adventure.
I like the idea of a "magical gold rush" and what you've done here. I don't know if it feels particularly Wampus-y to me, but I'll defer to Wampus Country's creator in that regard.
ReplyDeleteYeah I specifically made the table settings agnostic - wanted to demonstrate my ideas. Wampus is capable of generating its own tables I am sure.
DeleteWell, it's certainly a good idea.
DeleteNice list. I bet there are a lot of other circumstances that this could be used in, too.
ReplyDeleteI like the table (and how it's setting-agnostic etc). I could see using this on occasion under the right circumstances, absolutely.
ReplyDeleteI've automated this table @ Abulafia:
Thanks - that's neat.
DeleteIf you're looking for more fun tables - there's a related "What Happens when you mess with evil table" early on the blog, and I think a nice set of "What's in the looted grave/grave offerings" tables that I did for Obelisk.
Is this blanket permission to add any of your tables to Abulafia? :)
DeleteWell the non-setting based stuff for sure - not so much the HMS Apollyon or ASE tables I think.