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Bandit's Roost - Jacob Riis - Pre 1890 |
3. Murderers'
Row – This series of fourteen
small rooms was once offices and work spaces for the brewery, but now
they are private residences of the more intimidating and dangerous
poor. The hallway connecting them is dingy and smeared with streaks of
black greasy soot. The entire area smells of woodsmoke and urine. For
each room entered roll on the table below to see who
currently resides in it. These inhabitants can change with each visit
as there is much competition for these spaces. Special areas have been
given their own notations and descriptions.
D10 | Roll once for each room entered. Re-roll if room is revisited after a day or more. | ||
1 | 1D8 Thieves AC 8, HD 1 (4HP), #AT 1, D 1D6, MV ('40) Save MU3, ML 8. Leather Armor, Short Swords. HC: VI | 6 | 1D6 Dwarven Insurrectionists AC 4, HD 1 (7HP), #AT 1, D 1D6, MV ('40) Save D1, ML 10. Banded mail. Axes, Shields. HC: III |
2 | Empty - swept and scrubbed disturbingly clean | 7 | Empty, filled with trash and filth. |
3 | 1D12 Unskilled Laborers AC 9, HD 1 (7HP), #AT 1, D 1D4, MV ('40) Save F1, ML 6. Clubs/Daggers. HC: I | 8 | 1D4 Thieves (see 1) and 1D6 Thugs AC 6, HD 2 (9HP), #AT 1, D 1D8, MV ('40) Save F3, ML 10. Scale Mail, Scimitar HC: VI |
4 | Vermin – 3D4 Giant centipedes lair in the knee deep waste of this room. AC 9 HD 1/2 (HP 1) #AT 1, D Poison, MV ('20) Save F0, ML 8. HC: None | 9 | Roll on Special Table |
5 | 1D6 Elven Refugees AC 5, HD 1 (5HP), #AT 1, D1D10, MV ('40) Save E1, ML 8. Chainmail, Polearms. Magic Missile or Sleep. HC: VII | 10 | Roll on Special Table |
D8 | Roll D6 – Each encounter may only be had once – if rolled again, treat as (7) on main table. | |
1 |
Evil - Inhabited by family of
abandoned medical experiments. These hideous victims of magical and
scientific manipulation are terrifying enough to keep anyone from
chasing them out of their lair. Each is a mass of cogs, tubes,
cancers, boils, cysts, eyeballs, mechanical bits, insect parts and human limbs
in a vaguely human shape that whispers and seems to beg in a tongue
just beyond understanding. They are terrifying and hungry, but not
naturally aggressive.
Medical Subjects
(5) AC 5, HD 2 ( HP 12, 10, 6, 4, 15), #AT 1, D 1D6, MV ('20) Save
F2, ML 10. Cause fear on 1st sight, all melee attacks are at -1 on
account of revulsion.
| |
2 |
Murder Scene –
A bloody murder recently took place here. There's the brutally
carved up body of a middle-aged aristocrat on the floor. His
purse is even still here with 14GP and 6PP in it. Someone might
want to know about this, but there's a 60% chance that telling
will result in a hard to beat murder accusation.
3 |
Underground Bar –
An enterprising Thug named “Ruby” has set up a underground bar
serving stale mushroom beer and dubious beetle whiskey. Ruby (a
short dough-faced androgene) will welcome any visitors but ask
them to sheath weapons. There are 2D6 patron ½ thieves and ½
thugs drinking here (See above table), but no one is in a mood for
battle. If Ruby isn't killed the bar will remain in this room.
Drinking either Ruby's beer (1cp) or whiskey (2cp) requires a save
vs. poison, and a failed save will result in the player being
incapacitated with sickness for 2D12 -1/2 Con turns, and hungover
(-2 on all rolls) for the next day. The till holds 800 cp, 120 sp
and 80 GP.
Ruby (F3) AC 4,
HD 3 ( HP 17), #AT 1, D 1D10, MV
('40) Save F3, ML 10. Fist surplus splint mail under
ragged smock, Two-Handed Sword.
4 |
– Someone has carefully built a small makeshift cannon, a piece
of thick sewer pipe packed with scrap metal and connected to a
pocket pistol mechanism in this room. For inexplicable and likely
paranoid reasons they've aimed it at the door and wired it's
trigger to the door handle. It will blast anyone within 10' the
doorway for 2D10 damage (1D10 damage if wearing plate) save vs.
Petrification for ½ damage. The cannon is destroyed with it's
first shot, but it guards a bundled cache of liquor and cheap
narcotics worth 150GP.
5 |
Thief Taker – This crusty minion of the law has no time for the
PCs. He's a hard-boiled fellow with a trenchcoat over his custom
plate armor. Camped out here (with a good quality suite of
survival equipment, including tent) for two weeks waiting to hear
about the presence of anyone with a large price on their head has
made him terse. If the PCs can give him a lead he might follow
them, if only to steal their collar, otherwise he'll warn them
Thief Taker – (F5) AC 3,
HD 5 ( HP 31), #AT 2(+2 Hit
Melee), D 1D8+2/1D8 Ranged, MV ('40) Save F5, ML 10. Black
Plate Armor, Longsword +1, All steel heavy crossbow with
infra-vision scope. Potion of Healing, Potion of Invisibility,
25PP .
6 |
Killer – A
media specter, the psychic residue of long forgotten mass media,
dwells here, it's almost human in appearance, looking like a
handsome young man dressed in outdated formal clothes (pick a
celebrity!), but its image flickers occasionally, and a close
examination or luck will reveal this. It's grown fat feeding on
the destitute inhabitants of the Brewery, and will likely offer to
leave the room, trying to drain the life of one PC as it leaves.
It has concealed some gems under a floorboard (find as secret
door), but isn't especially attached to them. 5 gems worth 10 GP,
50GP, 100GP(x2) and 500GP in a small satin pouch. It is identical
to a shadow.
Media Specter -
AC 7 (magic only), HD 2+2 ( HP
11), #AT 1, D 1D4 + strength drain, MV ('40) Save F2, ML 12 (will
flees after 1D6 successful draining attacks).
7 |
Mugger Prince –
Darreen the self-styled “Mugger Prince” lives here with his
three companions. Darreen is a dashingly handsome man in red and
black silk and leather rags. His lady-friends are similarly
dressed in tight raggedly opulent outfits that combine the
practicality of leather armor with a bohemian style. All are
accomplished thieves, but have little desire to fight to the
death. They may attempt to hide in shadows and backstab if they
hear the PC's approach (hear noises roll as 5 level thief), but
are equally likely to cheerfully ask the PC's business.
Genegene hates the
Peacock syndicate as her little sister died of a drug overdose.
If the PC's declare their intention to wipe the syndicate out or
to 'rescue' anyone from the drug den upstairs, the thieves may
help them.
Darreen – (T5)
AC 6, HD 5 (HP 15), #AT 1 (+2 hit
ranged), D 1D8/1D6 ranged, MV ('40) Save T5, ML 10. Leather
Armor, Scimitar, Light Crossbow. 100 gp diamond earring, 24 GP.
Mary, Genegene, &
Marat (T2) AC 7, HD 2 ( HP
4,3,8), #AT 1, D 1D8, MV ('40) Save T2, ML 10. Leather
Armor, Scimitars. 200 GP each in gold bangles and other jewelry.
8 |
– A party of 8 Moktars is staying here, and finding city life
not to their liking. They've been conned out of their valuables
by a slick talking elf who 'sold' them lodgings here, but can't
distinguish between elves and will attack any group containing one
unless the receive “their” money back in the form of a 250GP
-AC 5, HD 2 ( HP 8), #AT 1, D
1D6+1, MV ('40) Save F2, ML 8. Beaded Hide Armor, Mace.
Area 3 i – Stairwell –
The hallway ends in a large room, relatively free of clutter with a
spiral made of ornate ornamental iron, in a mushroom motif. The
stair goes up and down, though a riveted iron plate is fitting on the
landing going down and locked with a padlock (AC 2 – 6HP, or Bend
Bars to break, will damage weapons, -1 to hit 10% on miss). The
stairwell is watched from Area 2ii.
Area 3 ii - Guard
Room - Syndicate Guards loiter in this room watching from
crude slits cut in the door and walls (3 total). Should someone enter
from 2 iii unaccompanied by Weather they will attack immediately
(automatic surprise unless precautions are taken, or the PCs know
about the arrow slits). PCs with Wearther will still be attacked
unless he makes a special subtle signal to the guards. A group
entering from the rest of area 2 will be subject to a reaction roll,
positive indicating the guard think they need to talk to Wearther
about going upstairs, negative resulting in attack and indifferent
meaning they will warn the party off before attacking.
The room itself is a dingy, but tidy
pit with a rough table, 3 chairs, a stool, weapon rack, a lamp, cask
of water and set of dice. While three guards play dice sullenly one
will watch the hallway through the arrow slits. They will all be
sleeping on a roll of 1 on a 1D8, put are generally alert, sober and
competent. There is a crate of 250 crossbow bolts in the corner.
Guards x 3: “Baby”, “Harry the
Moktar”, “Rumples” (F1)
AC 7 or 6 (2 through arrow slit),
HD 1 (6, 14, 4 HP), #AT 1, D 1D6/1D8, MV ('40) Save F1, ML 10. Studded
Leather Armor, Heavy Crossbow, Long Sword, Shield (with a peacock on
it). 1-12 GP each. 158 CP, 32 SP on table as gambling stakes.
Guard Boss “Francis” (A2)
AC 7 (2 through arrow slit), HD 2 (8 HP), #AT 2, D 1D4/1D8 +1, MV
('40) Save A2, ML 10. Studded Leather Armor, Heavy
Crossbow, Scimitar, 5 Poisoned (+1D6) bolts, Silver Dagger, Thieves
Tools, Fancy Feathered Hat (5GP), 26 GP, Amber stone(15GP)
Area 3 iii – Quick Entrance
- This dusty room is filled with broken furniture brought down
when the second level was redecorated, and contains nothing of value.
It once contained the main brandy still, but the equipment was long
ago looted. A set of boards mounted on a weighted gimbala provide
rapid entrance through the window, while looking completely solid.
The boards rotate silently with oiled efficiency. It is used a a
quick entrance and exit by the Peacock Syndicate and it's customers,
who may be seen coming and going if the window is watched long
enough. The Syndicate has posted a handsome and charming young elf in
this room by the name of Wearther who acts as guide and host for the
criminal enterprises upstairs. He is dressed in a shabby but well
tailored set of tails and top hat, with a concealed royal copper mesh
undershirt (A very fancy hidden magical garmit made of a mesh of
metallic purple wires and acting to provide AC 7 when worn without
other armor – worth 300GP). Wearther is not aggressive and
confident that his considerable charm (CHR 17) can win through almost
any confrontation. If Wearther is pressed he will shout for help and
flee, possibly tossing off a sleep spell before scurrying through the
door. He has no loyalty to the syndicate and would gladly take a
better job or accept bribes, assuming that he is relatively free from
fear of reprisal by the Syndicate and not asked to climb into any
filthy dungeons.
“Young” Wearther
(E2) AC 7, HD 2 (7 HP), #AT
1, D 1D4, MV ('40) Save E2, ML 8. Coat and Tails, Royal
Copper Mesh Undershirt (AC7), Concealed Silver Dagger, Dangling
garnet earring (5GP) 36 CP, 12 SP, 4GP. Sleep, Shield
(Spellbook located in lodging on Street of The Alien has 1D3 more
showy but minimally useful spells).
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